Case Studies

We have completed air quality assessments for many clients. Some of the recent assessments include:

  • Air quality assessment of the change of use from commercial to mix used (residential and commercial) in Bristol, Cardiff, London, Gateshad and Nottingham.
  • Residential suitability (using air quality dispersion model) and air quality neutrality assessment of new residential units within Air Quality Management Areas (AQMAs) in London. Including projects in Barnet, Chingford, Neasden, Middlesex, Stretford, Tower Hamlet.
  • Air quality assessment of a new housing development in Crieff, Scotland.
  • Air quality assessment with respect to in respect to a proposed development of 16 dwellings in Llanddarog, Carmarthenshire, Wales.
  • Residential development projects in Salisbury and Sittingbourne
  • Construction dust risk assessment of demolition of the existing dwelling and associated outbuildings and the erection of an affordable housing development comprising 60 bed care, with 32 associated vehicle parking spaces and landscaping in Farnham, Guildford.
  • AQA consisted of the construction stage dust risk assessment and air quality dispersion modelling for a new coach parking site in Greater London.
  • Air quality assessment of a proposed crematorium in Godstone, Surrey. The planning application was submitted to Tandridge District Council. The AQA followed the Defra Process Guidance Note 5/2(12) and was conducted to determine maximum ground level concentrations (GLCs) the arising from the emission of pollutants from the Crematorium discharge stack. The AQA assessed the impact of emissions from the facility on existing local air quality in relation to human health at a range of potentially sensitive receptors by comparison with relevant National Air Quality Standards (NAQS). This AQA predicted deposition rates of acids and nutrient nitrogen from the modelled emissions and compared these with relevant Critical Loads and Critical Levels at sensitive ecological receptors (e.g. Sites of Special Scientific Interest – SSSI).
  • We conducted a rapid health impact assessment for a nursery in London following the Guidance developed by London Healthy Urban Development Unit (NHS).

We conduct air quality monitoring both in outdoor as well as in indoor environments. We have equipment to monitor PM10, PM2.5, CO2, NO2, TVOC, temperature and relative humidity. Particulate matters (PM) can be monitored in six size channels providing mass (ug/m3) and number (particle ount per cm3) concentrations.

We can assist you with Simple Calculation of Atmospheric Impact Limits (SCAIL) assessment for determining the impacts rom agricultural and combustion sources. SCAIL assessment is mainly used to assess the impacts on semi-natural sources like SSSIs (Sites of Special Scientific Interest) and SACs (Special Areas of Conservation). SCAIL Agriculture and SCAIL Combustion tools provide an estimate of the amount of acidity, nitrogen or sulphur deposited to a habitat or sensitive ecosystem.

SCAIL assessments are useful for initial screening of sources for IED (Industrial Emissions Directive) applications or appropriate assessments under the Habitats Directive.

Clean rooms (e.g. in pharmaceutical, food, chemical, electronics, and life science industries) require strict maintenance of air quality (mostly particles). We offer total solution to monitoring particle concentrations (size and number) in clean rooms and prepare reports for ISO 14644 compliance. We offer robust particle counting and open-architecture seamless data management within all  clean room environments.

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